Friday, November 29, 2019

Hrm Orientation Essay Example

Hrm Orientation Essay A procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the firm. Orientation content Information on employee benefits Personnel policies The daily routine Company organization and operations Safety measures and regulations Facilities tour Orienting Employees (cont’d) A successful orientation should accomplish four things for new employees: Make them feel welcome and at ease. Help them understand the organization in a broad sense. Make clear to them what is expected in terms of work and behavior. Help them begin the process of becoming socialized into the firm’s ways of acting and doing things. The Training Process Training The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. The strategic context of training Performance management: the process employers use to make sure employees are working toward organizational goals. Web-based training Distance learning-based training Cross-cultural diversity training The Training and Development Process Needs analysis Identify job performance skills needed, assess prospective trainees skills, and develop objectives. Instructional design Produce the training program content, including workbooks, exercises, and activities. Validation Presenting (trying out) the training to a small representative audience. Implement the program Actually training the targeted employee group. Evaluation Assesses the program’s successes or failures. Make the Learning Meaningful At the start of training, provide a bird’s-eye view of the material to be presented to facilitates learning. Use a variety of familiar examples. Organize the information so you can present it logically, and in meaningful units. We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm Orientation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm Orientation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm Orientation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Use terms and concepts that are already familiar to trainees. Use as many visual aids as possible. Make Skills Transfer Easy Maximize the similarity between the training situation and the work situation. Provide adequate practice. Label or identify each feature of the machine and/or step in the process. Direct the trainees’ attention to important aspects of the job. Provide â€Å"heads-up† preparatory information that lets trainees know they might happen back on the job. Motivate the Learner People learn best by doing so provide as much realistic practice as possible. Trainees learn best when the trainers immediately reinforce correct responses Trainees learn best at their own pace. Create a perceived training need in the trainees’ minds. The schedule is important too: The learning curve goes down late in the day, less than full day training is most effective. Analyzing Training Needs Task analysis A detailed study of a job to identify the specific skills required, especially for new employees. Performance analysis Verifying that there is a performance deficiency and determining whether that deficiency should be corrected through training or through some other means (such as transferring the employee). Training Methods On-the-job training (OJT) Having a person learn a job by actually doing the job. OJT methods Coaching or understudy Job rotation Special assignments Advantages Inexpensive Immediate feedback Steps in OJT Step 1: Prepare the learner Put the learner at ease—relieve the tension. Explain why he or she is being taught. Create interest, encourage questions, find out what the learner already knows about this or other jobs. Explain the whole job and relate it to some job the worker already knows. Place the learner as close to the normal working position as possible. Familiarize the worker with equipment, materials, tools, and trade terms. Steps in OJT (cont’d) Step 2: Present the operation Explain quantity and quality requirements. Go through the job at the normal work pace. Go through the job at a slow pace several times, explaining each step. Between operations, explain the difficult parts, or those in which errors are likely to be made. Again go through the job at a slow pace several times; explain the key points. Have the learner explain the steps as you go through the job at a slow pace. Steps in OJT (cont’d) Step 3: Do a tryout Have the learner go through the job several times, slowly, explaining each step to you. Correct mistakes and, if necessary, do some of the complicated steps the first few times. Run the job at the normal pace. Have the learner do the job, gradually building up skill and speed. As soon as the learner demonstrates ability to do the job, let the work begin, but don’t abandon him or her. Steps in OJT (cont’d) Step 4: Follow up Designate to whom the learner should go for help. Gradually decrease supervision, checking work from time to time against quality and quantity standards. Correct faulty work patterns before they become a habit. Show why the learned method is superior. Compliment good work; encourage the worker until he or she is able to meet the quality and quantity standards. Training Methods (cont’d) Apprenticeship training A structured process by which people become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training. Informal learning The majority of what employees learn on the job they learn through informal means of performing their jobs on a daily basis. Job instruction training (JIT) Listing each job’s basic tasks, along with key points, in order to provide step-by-step training for employees. The 25 Most Popular Apprenticeships Training Methods (cont’d) Effective lectures Use signals to help listeners follow your ideas. Don’t start out on the wrong foot. Keep your conclusions short. Be alert to your audience. Maintain eye contact with the trainees. Make sure everyone in the room can hear. Control your hands. Talk from notes rather than from a script. Break a long talk into a series of five-minute talks. Programmed Learning Programmed instruction (PI) A systematic method for teaching job skills involving: Presenting questions or facts Allowing the person to respond Giving the learner immediate feedback on the accuracy of his or her answers Advantages Reduced training time Self-paced learning Immediate feedback Reduced risk of error for learner Training Methods (cont’d) Literacy training techniques Responses to functional illiteracy Testing job candidates’ basic skills. Setting up basic skills and literacy programs. Audiovisual-based training To illustrate following a sequence over time. To expose trainees to events not easily demonstrable in live lectures. To meet the need for organizationwide training and it is too costly to move the trainers from place to place. Training Methods (cont’d) Simulated training (occasionally called vestibule training) Training employees on special off-the-job equipment so training costs and hazards can be reduced. Computer-based training (CBT) Electronic performance support systems (EPSS) Learning portals Computer-based Training (CBT) Advantages Reduced learning time Cost-effectiveness Instructional consistency Types of CBT Intelligent Tutoring systems Interactive multimedia training Virtual reality training Distance and Internet-Based Training Teletraining A trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees at remote locations via TV hookups. Videoconferencing Interactively training employees who are geographically separated from each other—or from the trainer—via a combination of audio and visual equipment. Training via the Internet Using the Internet or proprietary internal intranets to facilitate computer-based training. What Is Management Development? Management development Any attempt to improve current or future management performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills. Succession planning A process through which senior-level openings are planned for and eventually filled. Anticipate management needs Review firm’s management skills inventory Create replacement charts Begin management development Managerial on-the-Job Training Job rotation Moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points. Coaching/Understudy approach The trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible for the trainee’s coaching. Action learning Management trainees are allowed to work full-time analyzing and solving problems in other departments. Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques Case study method Managers are presented with a description of an organizational problem to diagnose and solve. Management game Teams of managers compete by making computerized decisions regarding realistic but simulated situations. Outside seminars Many companies and universities offer Web-based and traditional management development seminars and conferences. Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques (cont’d) Role playing Creating a realistic situation in which trainees assume the roles of persons in that situation. Behavior modeling Modeling: showing trainees the right (or â€Å"model†) way of doing something. Role playing: having trainees practice that way Social reinforcement: giving feedback on the trainees’ performance. Transfer of learning: Encouraging trainees apply their skills on the job. Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques (cont’d) Corporate universities Provides a means for conveniently coordinating all the company’s training efforts and delivering Web-based modules that cover topics from strategic management to mentoring. In-house development centers A company-based method for exposing prospective managers to realistic exercises to develop improved management skills. Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques (cont’d) Executive coaches An outside consultant who questions the executive’s boss, peers, subordinates, and (sometimes) family in order to identify the executive’s strengths and weaknesses. Counsels the executive so he or she can capitalize on those strengths and overcome the weaknesses. Managing Organizational Change and Development What to change? Strategy: mission and vision Culture: new corporate values Structure: departmental structure, coordination, span of control, reporting relationships, tasks, decision-making procedures Technologies: new systems and methods Employees: changes in employee attitudes and skills Overcoming Resistance to Change What causes resistance? All behavior in organizations is a product of two kinds of forces—those striving to maintain the status quo and those pushing for change. Lewin’s Change Process Unfreezing: reducing the forces striving to maintain the status quo. Moving: developing new behaviors, values, and attitudes, sometimes through structural changes. Refreezing: reinforcing the changes. Overcoming Resistance to Change Change initiatives Political campaign: creating a coalition strong enough to support and guide the initiative. Marketing campaign: tapping into employees’ thoughts and feelings and also effectively communicating messages about the prospective program’s theme and benefits. Military campaign: Deploying executives’ scarce resources of attention and time to actually carry out the change. How to Lead the Change (in 10 Steps) Establish a sense of urgency. Mobilize commitment through joint diagnosis of problems. Create a guiding coalition. Develop a shared vision. Communicate the vision. Help employees to make the change. Generate short-term wins. Consolidate gains and produce more change. Anchor the new ways of doing things in the company’s culture. Monitor progress and adjust the vision as required. Using Organizational Development Organizational development (OD) A special approach to organizational change in which employees themselves formulate and implement the change that’s required. Usually involves action research. Applies behavioral science knowledge. Changes the attitudes, values, and beliefs of employees. Changes the organization in a particular direction. Examples of OD Interventions Evaluating the Training Effort Designing the study Time series design Controlled experimentation Training effects to measure Reaction of trainees to the program Learning that actually took place Behavior that changed on the job Results that were achieved as a result of the training

Monday, November 25, 2019

Why the US Is Said to Have a Mixed Economy

Why the US Is Said to Have a Mixed Economy The United States is said to have a mixed  economy because privately owned businesses and government both play important roles. Indeed, some of the most enduring debates of American economic history focus on the relative roles of the public and private sectors. Private vs. Public Ownership The American free enterprise system emphasizes private ownership. Private businesses produce most goods and services, and almost two-thirds of the nations total economic output goes to individuals for personal use (the remaining one-third is bought by government and business). The consumer role is so great, in fact, that the nation is sometimes characterized as having a consumer economy. This emphasis on private ownership arises, in part, from American beliefs about personal freedom. From the time the nation was created, Americans have feared excessive government power, and they have sought to limit governments authority over individuals including its role in the economic realm. In addition, Americans generally believe that an economy characterized by private ownership is likely to operate more efficiently than one with substantial government ownership. Why? When economic forces are unfettered, Americans believe, supply and demand determine the prices of goods and services. Prices, in turn, tell businesses what to produce; if people want more of a particular good than the economy is producing, the price of the good rises. That catches the attention of new or other companies that, sensing an opportunity to earn profits, start producing more of that good. On the other hand, if people want less of the good, prices fall and less competitive producers either go out of business or start producing different goods. Such a system is called a market economy. A socialist economy, in contrast, is characterized by more government ownership and central planning. Most Americans are convinced that socialist economies are inherently less efficient because the government, which relies on tax revenues, is far less likely than private businesses to heed price signals or to feel the discipline imposed by market forces. The Limits to Free Enterprise With a Mixed Economy There are limits to free enterprise, however. Americans have always believed that some services are better performed by public rather than private enterprise. For instance, in the United States, the government is primarily responsible for the administration of justice, education (although there are many private schools and training centers), the road system, social statistical reporting, and national defense. In addition, the government often is asked to intervene in the economy to correct situations in which the price system does not work. It regulates natural monopolies, for example, and it uses antitrust laws to control or break up other business combinations that become so powerful that they can surmount market forces. The government also addresses issues beyond the reach of market forces. It provides welfare and unemployment benefits to people who cannot support themselves, either because they encounter problems in their personal lives or lose their jobs as a result of economic upheaval; it pays much of the cost of medical care for the aged and those who live in poverty; it regulates private industry to limit air and water pollution; it provides low-cost loans to people who suffer losses as a result of natural disasters; and it has played the leading role in the exploration of space, which is too expensive for any private enterprise to handle. In this mixed economy, individuals can help guide the economy not only through the choices they make as consumers but through the votes they cast for officials who shape economic policy. In recent years, consumers have voiced concerns about product safety, environmental threats posed by certain industrial practices, and potential health risks citizens may face; the government has responded by creating agencies to protect consumer interests and promote the general public welfare. The U.S. economy has changed in other ways as well. The population and the labor force have shifted dramatically away from farms to cities, from fields to factories, and, above all, to service industries. In todays economy, the providers of personal and public services far outnumber producers of agricultural and manufactured goods. As the economy has grown more complex, statistics also reveal over the last century a sharp long-term trend away from self-employment toward working for others. This article is adapted from the book Outline of the U.S. Economy by Conte and Carr and has been adapted with permission from the U.S. Department of State.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

EDLE 640 - Assignment 1 Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EDLE 640 - Assignment 1 - Speech or Presentation Example Therefore, much as we would commit ourselves to achieving our goals or the goals of the organizations we work with, it must all start with loving the other people. Therefore, the first secret to successful leadership, according to Fullan is, Love Your Employees (Fullan, 2008). While being hindered by others in the course of a goal attainment mission, realizing full potential becomes practically impossible. Therefore, the necessity to Connect Peers with a Purpose; which is the second secret to good leadership as discussed by Fullan, becomes necessary. Connecting the peers with ones purpose and objective; personal, professional or organizational, enhances and facilities the goal attainment (Fullan, 2008). Thus connectivity with the people should be much more than just collaborating with them. It requires more of firm interconnection of the peers, and upholding capacity building as the priority for the organization. Facilitating the free social interactions within the peers and creating a favorable environment for them to engage in creativity and innovation, without the fear of being reprimanded for failure, allows individuals to move out of their comfort zones and engage in more risky affairs, which eventually develops full human capacity (Fullan, 2008). While we work towards realizing our goals with the interest of the other people at the fore front, the goal attainment mission becomes justifiable as a personal initiative, and also as a societal collaboration towards a better life for ourselves and for the rest. Social collaboration is enhanced through applying the third secret as discussed by Fullan, which is to ensure Capacity Building Prevails. I have lived in three different countries in the course of my education and professional development; born in Australia, studying in the USA and gaining working experience in London. But in all these movements, I have found that valuing other people is what counts much towards any progress and development, personal, pr ofessional or organizational, since it is only through the support of others, that an individual can realize their full potential, and thus help their organizations to achieve the optimum (Fullan, 2008). Offering leadership and ability demonstration opportunities is fundamental to the development of individuals. Thus, having the mentality that Learning is the Work; forms the fourth secret towards successful leadership. This point to the fact that; learning is the main job within any job, since knowledge and experience improvement forms the basis of career and professional development, as well as personal growth (Fullan, 2008). While individuals are exercising their duties and mandates in the work place, they should not cease to learn, because working with others and through others helps to develop the full potential, and reawakens the talents hidden within an individual’s ability. My first promotion to a high leadership position was when I was 28 years, while teaching at St M ary’s Parish School in Warren, where I was promoted to the rank of Assistant Principal. This enabled me to exercise my teaching roles, while at the same time learning how to lead an institution, an experience that put my everyday as a purely learning day. Within the one year period that I spent as the Assistant Principa

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Important of academic skills for tourism students Essay

Important of academic skills for tourism students - Essay Example The main academic skills that help tourism students to get employed and advance in their careers faster include managerial, communication, language, customer service, business, and socialization (Page, & Connell, 2010). This paper will analyze the usefulness of these academic skills in shaping the future career of tourism students. Tourism students must have efficient communication skills for them to be employed in the sector. This is because communication is the main instrument that unites the supply and demand sides in the sector (Bobanovic, & Grzinic, 2011). This is because the supply and demand sides are made up of individuals who must interact successfully for them to achieve equilibrium. However, since the supply side is the one that provides services to the demand side, it means that suppliers in this industry need to be able to communicate with any individual who demands their services. The main factors involved in communication in the industry include language, correct pronunciation of words, and courtesy when speaking to the client (O’Shannessy, Minett, & Hyde, 2002). Since individuals may not be able to acquire these skills without training, it means they have to study them in school where there are tutors who teach them how to pronounce words correctly and be courteous. A major element that is involved in communication is language because it is the main uniting factor between suppliers and their clients. Tourism students need to study English language because it is the most common international language in the twenty first century (Bobanovic, & Grzinic, 2011). Numerous countries in the world have chosen to make English a national language because it helps them to interact with other English-speaking nations. Therefore, since tourism is the main way in which the countries interact, the service providers who are previously students should study the language while in school. This is because studying the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Journalism Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Journalism Portfolio - Essay Example Most news may be intended to deflect or defuse public opinion on matters of great importance and editors can influence the direction of how opinion is shaped. When a newspaper is owned by a politician, then there might be truth to the statement that â€Å"news is what someone, somewhere wants concealed† as in the case of Italy today. As mentioned earlier, this newspaper is mostly of community-type of publication and so most of its stories are local in nature. Most of the sources were the local news reporters that had gathered the news scoop within their areas. However, some of the news with a wider look such as global news content had been rehashes (re-written) of global news organizations as it has no capability of news gathering that is global in scope. Anyway, this is the trend today in most news organizations whereby they become aggregators of various news sources which it had deemed newsworthy to be included in their own publications. In the Internet age today, it is far more economical to just subscribe to some big news organizations like CNN or Time to syndicate the same news materials and ask a reporter to re-write it with a local background. Discussion In a world of instant news and competition for crucial publication space, the news of today has to be carefully selected that will interest its target audience. The readers of this type of newspaper would normally be interested on matters that concern them and only later will they go on to other news happening much further afield. For example, the most recent news of a dead whale carcass washing ashore should be of greater interest to its readers because this event can be considered as a rarity (it is not everyday a dead whale is washed onto the sands). Its news value may be in its ability to shock some readers to make them wander how could an event like this happen (Carr 1) and adding a photograph could lend a certain bit of nostalgia. The dead whale would be of concern to local residents because of the intense stink it brought. A public figure is normally defined to be someone who is usually in the limelight and this by necessity includes public figures like politicians, artists and actors or actresses. They opted for a profession that requires them public exposure or may have fame or prominence so that their lives are the focus of intense public scrutiny. A celebrity, on the other hand, is a type of person who acquired a certain persona such as rock stars, movie stars or sports stars. They are very familiar to the general public and their actions and statements are closely followed in most of the time. A public figure has less claims to privacy than an ordinary person since their lives are open to the public by virtue of their standing in the community or society. If a public figure is the subject of a bad news article, then he or she must first prove his status as a public figure in order to establish an evil motive in writing that article, such as malice or hate. Other citizens enjoy a higher degree of privacy in this regard because they are not in the public eye. The private lives of public figures can be written quite easily with mostly no objections but if the writer has written something defamatory, then a libel suit can be filed by concerned party.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Reason For The Convenient Store Business Marketing Essay

The Reason For The Convenient Store Business Marketing Essay 1.0 Executive Summary The Commercial building is located 5 miles south of the city of Muscat and 2 minute walk distance by citys main road, which is used by thousands of commuters on daily basis between to the middle of city or just taking a shortcut to south of city. In the main road is being used by residents of citys south and south east in order to reach Muscat citys main center. While going to work, a person along for the ride could stop and buy a sandwich or soft/ cold drinks etc. Similarly on the way home, the same person along for the ride on main road, could come ABC Convenient Store and buy something like household items. 1.1 Shareholding Structure ABC Convenient Store is a registered Sole Proprietor. Its owned and managed by Mr. A. 1.2 Objectives The main objective of most of the small convenient stores in is to earn highest possible profit margins by selling quality products. Therefore ABC Convenient Store aims to provide highest possible quality products at competitive rates for the local residents of Muscat city particularly. In addition, ABC Convenient Store plans to offer movie rentals, non-food products and check cashing services in order to build and increase its revenues and hence profits. The other objectives of ABC Convenient Store are: One of ABC Convenient Stores main objectives would be to capture as much as possible share of the commuter traffic on the south east side of Muscat city. ABC Convenient Store will offer its customers better-quality products at an competitive price. Achieve at least 30% minimum gross profit margins (selling price less purchase/ wholesale cost) from beginning. Achieve a lucrative return on investment within five years. Achieve average growth in market share by 10% each year. Achieve average growth in revenue by 6% each year. 2.0 The Business Activity ABC Convenient Store is a new Startup convenient store business within Muscat city. Mr. A, the owner of ABC Convenient Store will occupy convenient store place in two units commercial building on rent, located 5 miles south of the city of Muscat and 2 minute walk distance by citys main road. It is the main street all the way through city and is used by thousands of commuters on daily basis between to the middle of city or just taking a shortcut to south of city. The building contains two units where mini restaurant is currently open and being successfully run by other individual. 3.0 Vision and Mission statement Mission:, ABC Convenient Store will make healthy profits margins for its owner and provide a satisfying work environment for its employees in near future. 3.1 Keys to Success The keys to success in this business are: Location: The location of convenience store plays a very important role in success of any store, and therefore is one of the main key factors for successfully running of convenience store. The location must be close to customers reach like where they work, live or on their normal route while returning and going to home/ work. As ABC Convenient Store is located 5 miles south of the city of Muscat and 2 minute walk distance by citys main road, which is used by thousands of commuters on daily basis between to the middle of city or just taking a shortcut to south of city. We feel that right location provides value to customer and convenience both. Speed of Service:Â  As nowadays consumers are always short of time and wants quality with speed of service, therefore it is also one of the major keys to success factors for convenience store industry in todays environment particularly. Convenience and value are both achieved only when the potential customers can easily locate the items they want to buy, where in return they get fast friendly and efficient service. In short the store is easy to shop. Availability: Availability of products/ items is another key factor for success of any convenient store, as each customer have different taste and needs, hence they have their own favorite brand names that they want to purchase, which any good convenience store must carry in order to fulfill potential customers needs. On the other hand the Omani citizens particularly are brand conscious and want items with big brand names, where residents of other nationality living and working in Oman, are more price conscious. Therefore it is necessary that products/ items for both customers segment must be made available. 4.0 Government support and rules and regulations 5.0 The Reason for the Convenient Store business The living standards of the Omani citizen are growing day by day as Government of Oman has taken major steps within last 20 years to increase the living standards. Therefore as of the majority of Omani citizens are upper middle class who are brand conscious and willing to pay anything to buy product required. On the other hand the convenient store industry has been growing on daily basis as people are shifted towards convenient store due to convenience and shortage of time in todays world. According to Government stats and research the convenient store in Oman is growing constantly at a rate of over 110% over last ten years. 5.1 Industry Analysis Summary Porter five forces model has been used widely with the purpose of analyzing a particular industry with a view to determine the level of intensity in terms of attractiveness and competitiveness within industry. This model consist of forces which are very close to any company and that can affect its capability badly to generate profits for owners by serving its customers effectively. Porter five forces model uses the following: Threat of potential new entrants, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, Threat of substitutes and Determinants of Rivalry among Existing Competitors, in order to analyze the nature of competitiveness in any industry. Determinants of Rivalry among Existing Competitors The rivalry among existing competitors in Oman in retail store industry is being considered as high, as firms are competing severely with other with a view to capture high customer market share. There are many giant convenience stores in retail industry particularly in Muscat, who has gained majority of market share, where on the other hand small convenient stores like ABC Convenient Store, are competing each other to capture the remaining market share, specifically of convenient stores surrounding area at least. Therefore they are trying new developments in marketing, introducing new promotions, creativity of innovative ideas, which has led small stores achieved their target level of market share. Hence competitive rivalry in Omans retail industry is considered a high threat for existing convenient stores. Threat of potential new entrants Threat of new entrants into the retail industry within Muscat, Oman is medium, as there are very less product differences between products provided by convenient stores; furthermore cost to enter the market is relatively low. It is further assumed that convenient store items/products are easily purchased at wholesale prices or discounts at bulk purchases. By analyzing all factors including high growth in trends for Oman retail industry exclusively, further barriers to entry are relatively very low compared to other industries; therefore it can be take for granted that ABC Convenient Store may face further competition with new entrants. Threat of substitutes There are only few substitutes available for convenient store items which do not entirely replace the use of existing products by customers but may bring in new innovative ideas to develop new products or reduce the direct costs in producing the same products. In particularly the substitutes of any products may limit the level of generation of revenues and hence profits, in an industry by keeping the profit margins down. However, the greater the convenient stores could create uniqueness for their products the greater the likelihood of success. Likewise already discussed the availability of products, customer service and location of the convenient stores would be the key factors, which could not only create sustainable competitive advantage but could add significant value in overall earnings of the ABC Convenient Store. Therefore threat of substitutes is considered as low in retail/ convenient store industry. Bargaining power of suppliers The power of suppliers for small convenient stores like ABC Convenient Store can be prejudiced by key players in supermarkets and grocery chain stores. Because they are being able to negotiate better discounted and promotional prices compared to small convenient stores from suppliers/ manufacturers, which small convenient stores are unable to match due to high purchasing prices of same products. Therefore there is major threat as giant players always dictate the prices and purchase large amount of quantity at once, where small convenient stores are left with fewer products at high prices. Hence it is being analyzed the bargaining power of suppliers is high particularly for small convenient stores. Bargaining power of buyers Nowadays customers are aware of everything and they have more choices to buy from, therefore customers acts are considered as powerful force in making prices down. If any product is expensive in any store than they can go and purchase the required products from other convenient store providing lesser or discounted prices. In addition because product is a type of commodity item and consumers have no choice but to continue consumption, therefore we can see high growth in small convenient store if and only prices are matched with giant players in the industry. On the other hand, location and varieties of products provided may reduce this bargaining power. In addition the overall environment, customer service and location of the ABC Convenient Store would attract the customers. We can assume that large number of small convenient stores will be providing similar products and services as ABC Convenient Stores. Due to these reasons the overall industry looks more attractive and profitable. 6.0 Market Size and Growth According to our research, the main customers are males and females, ages 15 to 40. In addition, according to recent trends in Oman, many small and large stores are trying to capture market share of persons with age of more than 40, particularly females. We are expecting that by providing better customer services, we would be able to increase the number of customers of aged over 40. 7.0 The Choice of Location with reasons thereof ABC Convenient Store is a new Startup convenient store business within Muscat city. The commercial building has convenient store for rent out. It is located 5 miles south of the city of Muscat and 2 minute walk distance by citys main road, and is the main street all the way through city and is used by thousands of commuters on daily basis between to the middle of city or just taking a shortcut to south of city. Therefore its the best location for convenient store. The total area of convenience store is around 500 sq feet, where majority of the portion will be used for shelves. 8.0 Proposed Customers 9.0 Competitor Analysis The ABC Convenient Store may face little competition from other small and large convenient stores. Furthermore the main competition that ABC Convenient Store may face is from large enterprises that have established convenience stores within fuel stations. But we are expecting that our location will create competitive advantage which shall tackle the competition may face by ABC Convenient Store in near future. 10.0 Buying Patterns and Sales Strategy The convenience stores are generally small retail outlets with area of 500 to 2000 sq feet. The products or items normally sold at convenience store are: over the counter medicines, household groceries, soft drinks, cold drinks, some non food items, cigarettes, and dairy products. The convenience stores are mostly located on busy main roads and are regularly open 24 hours a day seven days a week. As name suggests, they not only sell products or items but also convenience to customers. ABC Convenient Store will aim to provide typical items of convenience store at a competitive price, so that items that customers purchase shall urge to visit again, which will increase the average sale per customer. The main focus of sales staff will be on customer service and always inquire clients if they have been able to locate and found the whole thing that they need. In case, they have not found they need, then these particular items shall be made available in stocks upon request by customers. 11.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary ABC Convenient Store will be using a strategy of impressive customer service. Where, companys initial emphasis would be to build same reputation as before, so that potential customers within town are targeted comfortably. The ABC Convenient Stores main competitive edge will be its prominent location, as it is conveniently located on the corner of where everyone must pass in order to leave and return home, it also allows the local community to walk or ride a bike to the convenient store. ABC Convenient Store intends to stock the shelves with items local residents need and want, with items ranging from milk to over the counter medicines and everything in between. If customers have requests for items not in stock then ABC Convenient Store will stock them. 11.1 Self Analysis 12.0 Competitive Advantage The competitive advantages, which ABC Convenient Store will have over its main competitors within Muscat, are: ABC Convenient Stores main competitive advantage is its position and its location as in front of Main Street. ABC Convenient Store is located on the corner of where everyone must pass in order to leave and return home. Currently there are no other stores within this location. Due to these facts, local residents will naturally choose ABC Convenient Store as their primary choice, because of the fact that it would be closest to their homes. They will promptly become aware that ABC Convenient Store offers high quality organic and healthy products at a typical convenience store prices; In addition it will become local residents number one store for small household grocery items and other household purchases. While returning home from offices the commuter will now be able to buy their household groceries to take home. We expect that due to our quick service, commuters will soon regard ABC Convenient Store as helpful time saver convenience store. 13.0 Selling Arrangement and Marketing Strategies The products or items normally sold at convenience store are: over the counter medicines, household groceries, soft drinks, cold drinks, some non food items, cigarettes, and dairy products. The convenience stores are mostly located on busy main roads and are often open 24 hours a day seven days a week. Our main emphasis would be to fulfill customer needs therefore we will ask customer every time if they have been able to locate items easily and have found they looking for. The city is in great need of change and this is the perfect opportunity to bring about that change. In years to come ABC Convenient Store will be known in the community as more than just another neighborhood business, this will bring the community together giving locals annual block parties and rewarding the kids when they bring report cards and honor certificates with free candy etc. The convenient location of the ABC Convenient Store will mean that ABC Convenient Store will have to carry out little bit above the line up advertising, but ABC Convenient Store will distribute flyers within surrounding areas on monthly basis so that local residents are made aware of ABC Convenient Store. 14.0 Products and Pricing Strategy The ABC Convenient Store will provide typical items found in any convenience store; however, items will be higher end than many convenience stores. ABC Convenient Store will offer a product range from over the counter medicines to cigarettes and everything thats sold in a convenient store. The products will be same as traditional convenience store items in the same quantity, quality and packaging sizes as other convenient stores provide. Some of the products include: soft drinks, cold drinks, fruit juices, household grocery items, newspapers, magazines, hot and cold snacks, bread, auto products like fuel addictives plus cleaning materials for autos, condiments, tooth pastes, over the counter medicines and paper products etc. ABC Convenient Store will price little increase over competitors but most of the products prices will be matched to the most giant convenient stores within Muscat. On the other hand top selling brands will be sold at a discounted price even lower than most of competitors prices, so that ABC Convenient Store can create competitive advantage over its direct competitors and be able to sustain in coming years to come. 15.0 Various sources of finance available and the source selected The company will need around RO 23,000, total initial requirements for capital expenditures. The Funding sources for ABC Convenient Store will be mainly from the shareholders investments. The only shareholder, Mr. A will contribute full amount of RO 23,000. The total initial capital requirements will be around RO 6,100 which includes Computer for cash counter and point of sale software with scanner and receipt printer at a price of RO 400 Shelves will be placed in major portion of convenient store for placing displaying of different types of convenient store items/ products, so that potential customers would be able to locate these convenient items comfortable. In addition price tag and banners would be displayed for each type to items. The shelves would cost around RO 2,200 in total. Other convenient stores equipments includes banners, price tags, chairs, ice machines, beverage equipments, ice cream equipments, Microwave oven, safes, Air Conditioners, exhausts etc. This will cost around RO 3,200. Cash counter setup would include counter desk, chairs etc. This would cost around RO 300. Legal expenses would include business and sole proprietorship license, and license to start convenient store business and other legal fees necessary. This would cost around RO 500. Initial marketing expenses would be around RO 900 for banners, distribution of flyers, printing of business cards, purchase of printing papers for receipts, printing of cover letter etc. However we have very tight marketing budget initially but as business starts to grow the marketing budget would be significantly increased as well. The convenient store will be obtained on monthly rent of RO 500. The initial inventory would be of around RO 15,000, which includes all major convenient stores items like: soft drinks, cold drinks, fruit juices, household grocery items, newspapers, magazines, hot and cold snacks, bread, auto products like fuel addictives plus cleaning materials for autos, condiments, tooth pastes, over the counter medicines and paper products etc. This number of items initially will be less; however as business starts to grow the number of each particular item or products would be increase significantly in order to meet customer demands. Furthermore, special requests from customers will also be fulfilled believing on the fact that ABC Convenient Store needs to meet every customers demands by making each types of brands names products or items available at the door of ABC Convenient Store. The break-up of startup requirements is shown in the table below: Table 1: Start-up 16.0 Key People and Job Functions ABC Convenient Store is a registered Sole Proprietor. Its owned and managed by Mr. A. The owner will engage employees to help run their convenient store. A business Full time Manager will be hired. He will be overseeing the operations at the store like supervising the staff, dealing with various suppliers, performing managerial jobs and developing marketing plans. Furthermore, administration and financial aspects will be managed by the owner, Mr. A himself. 17.0 Financial Plan The Financial Plan consists of Breakeven Analysis, Pro-forma Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Projections and Pro-forma Balance Sheet. 17.1 Important Assumptions 17.3 Break-even Analysis Table 3: Break-even Analysis 17.4 Projected Profit and Loss The Pro-forma Profit and Loss shows that, ABC Convenient Storewill be able to meet Net profit margin in excess of 20% throughout five years of operation. Table 4: Profit and Loss

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Against the War On Drugs in America Essay -- Legalize Narcotics Drug

The Case Against America’s War on Drugs The legal prohibition on most psychoactive drugs has been in place in this country for the better part of a century. This policy of prohibition, however, has never been based on reason or careful consideration, but on the paranoia of a small segment of society and the indifferent willingness of the majority to accept this vocal minority’s claims without question. Outlawing any use of a particular drug is a violation of the basic freedom of individuals to act as they please in their private lives. However, even if one does not accept this belief, an objective analysis of the United States’ history of prohibition clearly shows that attempts to enforce this policy have done far more harm than good, and have utterly failed to control behavior in the intended manner. These are the two lines of reasoning I will take to argue against drug prohibition in this paper. After giving a brief history of prohibition, I will show that it is wrong in principal and that there is no moral basis for this policy. I will then show that, regardless of moral considerations, prohibition has not and probably cannot work, and more specifically that the "war on drugs" has been a disaster which should be ended immediately. I will then conclude by discussing possible consequences of legalization. A Brief History of Prohibition Government has not always seen fit to outlaw psychoactive drugs in the Western world. In fact, there was no prohibition in this country until 1914. Cocaine and Marijuana were both used in the late 19th century both for medicinal and recreational purposes. During this time there was considerable pressure for a ban on alcohol, but narcotics were simply not viewed as a threat to society. N... ...ave been taken as self-evident, but it should be clear by now that they are not. It is time that we stop wasting our economic and legal resources on this hopeless crusade to shape everyone into a few people’s idea of perfection and put these resources toward helping those who truly need it. Works Cited Ackerman, Elise. "The Latest Buzz on Hemp." U.S. News & World Report, March 15, 2008. 50. ACLU. "ACLU Briefing Paper: Against Drug Prohibition." (Online) Lazare, Daniel. "The Drug War is Killing Us." The Village Voice, January 23, 2008. London, William. "Will Legalizing Drugs Benefit Public Health?--Yes." Priorities Volume 7 Number 2. 1995. (Online) Ostrowski, James. "Thinking About Drug Legalization." Policy Analysis No. 121. May 25, 1989. Rosenfield, Jim. "The War on Drugs is a Great Success." The Ostrich File. Volume 6, March 20, 1996. (Online). Against the War On Drugs in America Essay -- Legalize Narcotics Drug The Case Against America’s War on Drugs The legal prohibition on most psychoactive drugs has been in place in this country for the better part of a century. This policy of prohibition, however, has never been based on reason or careful consideration, but on the paranoia of a small segment of society and the indifferent willingness of the majority to accept this vocal minority’s claims without question. Outlawing any use of a particular drug is a violation of the basic freedom of individuals to act as they please in their private lives. However, even if one does not accept this belief, an objective analysis of the United States’ history of prohibition clearly shows that attempts to enforce this policy have done far more harm than good, and have utterly failed to control behavior in the intended manner. These are the two lines of reasoning I will take to argue against drug prohibition in this paper. After giving a brief history of prohibition, I will show that it is wrong in principal and that there is no moral basis for this policy. I will then show that, regardless of moral considerations, prohibition has not and probably cannot work, and more specifically that the "war on drugs" has been a disaster which should be ended immediately. I will then conclude by discussing possible consequences of legalization. A Brief History of Prohibition Government has not always seen fit to outlaw psychoactive drugs in the Western world. In fact, there was no prohibition in this country until 1914. Cocaine and Marijuana were both used in the late 19th century both for medicinal and recreational purposes. During this time there was considerable pressure for a ban on alcohol, but narcotics were simply not viewed as a threat to society. N... ...ave been taken as self-evident, but it should be clear by now that they are not. It is time that we stop wasting our economic and legal resources on this hopeless crusade to shape everyone into a few people’s idea of perfection and put these resources toward helping those who truly need it. Works Cited Ackerman, Elise. "The Latest Buzz on Hemp." U.S. News & World Report, March 15, 2008. 50. ACLU. "ACLU Briefing Paper: Against Drug Prohibition." (Online) Lazare, Daniel. "The Drug War is Killing Us." The Village Voice, January 23, 2008. London, William. "Will Legalizing Drugs Benefit Public Health?--Yes." Priorities Volume 7 Number 2. 1995. (Online) Ostrowski, James. "Thinking About Drug Legalization." Policy Analysis No. 121. May 25, 1989. Rosenfield, Jim. "The War on Drugs is a Great Success." The Ostrich File. Volume 6, March 20, 1996. (Online).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Behavior Therapy

Two hypotheses, stimulus-response and stimulus-stimulus theories, explain the working of classical conditioning. Stimulus-response holds that a link to unconditioned stimuli is created with conditioned stimulus in the brain however, conscious consideration is not involved. Secondly, stimulus-stimulus has to do with mental activity, whereby conditioned stimuli are linked to the unconditioned stimuli notion.Stimulus-response (S-R) theory involves a behavioral psychology hypothetical structure which argues that man plus other creatures may be taught to link a novel stimulus (conditioned stimulus- CS)with some pre-existing stimulus (unconditioned stimulus- US), and may feel, respond, or feel the CS as though it were really the US. It argues that animals may be taught to link some SR, like a bell, to upcoming entrance of foodstuffs, leading to some apparent behavior, like salivating (http://psychology.about. com/od/behavioralpsychology/a/classcond. htm). Stimulus-stimulus (S-S) theory arg ues that some cognitive element is required to comprehend classical conditioning. It argues that animals may salivate after the bell since it is linked to th3e food concept. Operant Conditioning Theory Operant conditioning involves using effects to alter the type and happening of conduct. Operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning in that the former tackles alteration of intentional (operant) conduct.Operant behavior functions within the environment; it is controlled by its effects. On the other hand, classical conditioning tackles the habituation of respondent conducts that are drawn out by precursor situations. Conducts conditioned through classical conditioning process are not controlled by effects. Punishment and reinforcement may be negative (removed after a reaction) or positive (given after a reaction), thus creating 4 basic effects, the fifth being extinction (no consequence alteration after a reaction).Reinforcement consequence increases the frequency of occur rence of behavior. Punishment consequence decreases the frequency of occurrence of behavior. Extinction signifies absence of effects. If behavior proves inconsequential, having neither unfavorable nor favorable effects, it occurrence becomes less frequent. If previously strengthened conduct ceases to be strengthened negatively or positively, the reaction reduces. Positive reinforcement happens when a constructive stimulus follows a conduct, thus increasing the frequency of the conduct.Negative reinforcement happens when the withdrawal of aversive stimuli follows a conduct, thus increasing the frequency of the conduct. Positive punishment (punishment through conditional stimulation) happens when a negative stimulus follows a conduct. Negative punishment (punishment through conditional withdrawal) happens when the withdrawal of a pleasant stimulus follows a reaction or behavior. Social cognitive theory It suggests that parts of a persons knowledge gaining may be directly linked to wat ching other persons through social contact, experiences, plus external media pressures.It remains a knowledge hypothesis that argues that persons learn through observing the activities of others plus that individual though procedures are vital in comprehending personality. Despite the fact that the learned conduct obtained from the surroundings persons grow up in significantly influences development, cognition equally influence ethical development. Persons learn though watching others as mediated by the surroundings, cognition, and behavior. Social cognitive theory stresses a huge disparity between a person’s capacity to exhibit moral competence and performance.Moral competence refers to possession of the capacity to depict ethical behavior. Moral performance refers to adhering to individual moral behavior ideas in particular circumstances. The theory emphasizes learning or knowledge gaining though watching models. Observers do not anticipate punishments or rewards; rather, t hey anticipate similar results to their imitated conduct. Within education, instructors act as models in children’s knowledge acquisition. Learning most probably happens when an observer-model intimate identification occurs and when observers have adequate self-efficacy beliefs.Such beliefs act as vital proximal factors for human effect, action, and motivation, which control action by cognitive, effective, and motivational intervening procedures. Identification permits observers to sense a one-on-one linkage with the model. Observer are thus more probable to attain such replications if they feel they have the capacity to adhere to the imitate actions. Considering many factors (cognitive, social, and environmental) is the simplest way of displaying ethical development. The inter-linkage of such factors offers additional insight regarding morality.Behavior Therapy Techniques Key interventions to behavioral therapy were developed from functional analysis which tackles issues lik e couple relationships’ intimacy, couples’ forgiveness, continual pain, persistent distress, depression, substance misuse, obesity, and anxiety. Even issues commonly encountered by therapists, like client struggle, involuntary clients, and busy clients, have been tackled through functional analysis. Third Generation Behavior Therapy entails a group endorsing radical behaviorism and functional analysis and opposing cognitivisim.It involves: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT); Behavioral Activation (BA); Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP; Functional Analytic Psychotherapy; Dialectical behavior therapy; and Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is founded on Relational Frame Theory. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy is founded upon functional analyses of therapeutic relationships. It focuses on therapeutic contexts and reverts to using in-session reinforcement.Behavioral Activation came from a constituent scrutiny of cognitive behavior therapy. It is founded upon a corresponding reinforcement model. Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy analyses the discrepancies between rule-governed and contingency-shaped behaviors. Such analysis is merged with a comprehensive evaluation of couples’ association. References Wagner, K. V. (2009). Introduction to classical conditioning. Retrieved July 6th 2009 from, http://psychology. about. com/od/behavioralpsychology/a/classcond. htm

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How was desegregation achieved in the USA between 1945 to 1972 Essays

How was desegregation achieved in the USA between 1945 to 1972 Essays How was desegregation achieved in the USA between 1945 to 1972 Essay How was desegregation achieved in the USA between 1945 to 1972 Essay Essay Topic: In the Us Throughout the majority of history, there has been a separation of whites and blacks in american society. This is called segregation. The degree of segregation in america depended in which part of the country you lived in. in the north, if you were black you were treated as (almost) an equal to the white `rulers` of the land. Whereas, if you had lived in the deep southern states of america, the degree of racial hatred that you had experienced would have felt non-paralleled. This dates back to the american civil war. n the american civil war two parties fought; the `Yankees` and the confederates. The Yankees were based in the north of the USA and believed in Abraham Lincolns idea that slavery should be abolished. The confederates however, were based in the south and believed that slavery was a custom in america and that black people were inferior to white people. In the south of the USA the confederates ideas were still believed to be true. This was where the fundamental hatred had spawn from. Black and white people were segregated in almost every form, from busses to water fountains. But throughout the years, desegregation was achieved through a mixture of measures to give us the america that stands before us today In the USA, there was massive segregation in education. The whites had well funded schools with all the privileges that you come to expect to have in school. If you were black, school would be very different; their schools were poorly funded, with a lack of teaching supplies. White schools were exclusively white, and would take in any black students. Protest would make no difference here, they would have to use the power of the law; the supreme court. During the 1950s, civil rights groups put pressure on the government to end segregation in schools. Their pressure eventually paid off, as in 1952, the supreme court ruled that segregation in schools was not unconstitutional, but did give that separate schools were legal, as long as they were `equal`. In 1937 it was revealed that spending on white pupils in the south reached $37. 87 compared to the spending on black pupils of $13. 8. In 1954 the supreme court ruled that segregated schools were not equal and therefore unconstitutional. Some states decided to refuse that the ruling was correct and continued to keep schools segregated. In 1957, four black students approached to go to the formally all white high school in little rock, Arkansas. The governor of the town (faubus) sent in military support to stop black students entering the school. After 18 days president Eisenhower sent in federal troops to ensure the students can get to the school. This was very important as if black and white children, went to school together, they would be socially integrated and would realise that neither was inferior to the other. Secondly, desegregation was achieved by, the use of non-conformism. In Alabama, the buses were segregated horrendously. Black people had to stand up on the buses only, and were not aloud to sit down, ever. A woman named Rosa Parks broke the law when she refused to give up her seat for a whit passenger; she was arrested. The black community was in uproar after this. A Baptist named martin Luther king jr helped to organise a protest against the Alabama bus system. Black people boycotted buses an instead, walked or organised to share cars. Eventually, due to loss of income, the Montgomery bus companies were forced to accept integration, or see their companies go under. I think that this is important because it shows that with extreme perseverance you can pretty much achieve anything.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Squirt Brand Case Analysis

Squirt Brand Case Analysis Free Online Research Papers Squirt Nature of industry, market, and buyer behavior In the United States, people consume more carbonated drinks than tap water. Research has shown that the average American drinks about 53 gallons of soft drinks per year. However, soft drink consumption has declined over the past few years (Kerin Peterson, 2004). The soft drink industry has three major participants in the production and distribution; concentrate producers, bottlers, and retail outlets. Concentrate producers are responsible for consumer advertising and promotion programs, product development and planning and market research. The bottler’s responsibility is to set up local and retail trade promotions. Among this is selling and servicing retail outlets, placements and maintenance of advertisements, and the restocking of retailer’s shelves and vending machines. Competition in the soft drink industry is mostly relevant among the top three companies; Coca-cola, Pepsi-Cola, and Dr. Pepper/Seven Up. Each of these companies offers a product similar to Squirt, but each has their own variation. Coca-Cola’s Fresca is also a grapefruit flavored carbonated rink, but it has sugar and is caffeine free. Coco-cola also offers Mello Yellow and Surge. Pepsi-Cola has the largest carbonated citrus drink called Mountain Dew (Kerin Peterson, 2004). The Organization Squirt Brand carbonated drink is a caffeine-free, low sodium soft drink that is a blend of grapefruit juices mixed with carbonation. It is the best selling carbonated grapefruit drink in the United States. Squirt is marketed under Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc, which is owned by the London based company Cadbury Schweppes, the world’s third largest soft-drink company. Dr. Pepper/Seven up Inc is the largest non-cola soft drink enterprise in North America and the third largest soft drink company in the United States. They produce such products as Hawaiian Punch, Canada Dry, AW Root Beer, and RC Cola. Dr. Pepper and Seven Up are both ranked in the top ten soft drinks in the United States based on market share (Kerin Peterson, 2004). Squirt’s origins date back to the 1930’s. A man by the name of Herb Bishop came up with a carbonated drink that blends grapefruit juice and sugar. The taste was so refreshing he used the word Squirt to describe it, because it was like squirting grapefruit right into the mouth. Bishop marketed his product using the character â€Å"Little Squirt†. In 1977, Squirt was purchased by a Michigan based company Brooks products. This company reformulated the recipe and logo and marketed it in the mainstream. Diet Squirt was introduced in 1983 and was the first soft drink that was sweetened with Nutra Sweet. Today, Squirt’s product line consists of regular, diet, Ruby Red, and Diet Ruby Red. Diet Squirt and Diet Ruby Red account for 20% of Squirt’s total sales. Previous to a positioning review in 1995 by Foote, Cone, and Belding, Squirt focused its advertising on the 18 to 34 year old target market. Squirt advertised through newspapers inserts, cable TV spots, spot radio, and consumer, retail, and trade promotions. Squirt’s promotions exceeded the advertising expenditures. Squirt has been attributed with having the highest brand loyalty amongst competitors even though Mountain Dew was the most heavily advertised. At this time, the positioning of the company was to target Squirt to adults and Ruby Red to teens and young adults. The company was shooting commercials involving Rollerblading and Mountain Biking. Advertising messages emphasized how Squirt was beyond the ordinary taste, but also that it’s incredibly exciting. Throughout the five years, Squirts creative execution and positioning were revisited three times. Each time though, no changes were made. In the meantime, Coca-Cola announced that Fresca would be available in 95% of the United States Bottler Markets (Kerin Peterson, 2004). Plan of Action When Foote, Cone, and Belding (FCB) reviewed Squirt’s positioning, they analyzed the companies marketing efforts and came up with a few recommendations involving a new position. First of all, they concluded that amongst its seven biggest competitors it is the most thirst quenching, but no necessarily refreshing or hip. Secondly, Fresca was the most similar in all attributes. FCB concluded that, â€Å"a creative strategy needed to be developed to increase relevancy with a younger target market and focus on squirt’s thirst quenching property.† FCB recommended that Squirt’s target market should be multi -cultural and geared to the 18 to 24 year old market. They suggested that Squirt take an angle toward relating it to becoming an adult with more responsibility. FCB stated the there would be many benefits to this new position including its appropriateness for the carbonated drink category, it emphasizes self gratification, the freedom this demographic strives to maintain, and the potential to break through within the clutter of soft drink advertising. Finally, they stated that with Squirt’s look and feel, the new look would be consistent (Kerin Peterson, 2004). Potential Outcomes With the growing number of Hispanics in the United States, and the fact that statistics has proven Hispanics and African Americans are a huge portion of citrus flavored carbonated beverages consumers, marketing to them makes sense. Taking this into consideration, it is obvious that Squirt should start a campaign that offers advertisements, television commercials, and banners in Spanish. According to, Hispanics have an increasing amount of disposable income, and the number one thing they spend their money on is food and beverages in the home (Hispanic Affluence, 1996). Knowing this and knowing about the increasing population, management at Squirt should devise plans to get advertisements into every Spanish speaking news publication in Texas and California. In these two states alone, more than 50% of the Hispanic population lives (Kerin Peterson, 2004). They should also focus their television and radio advertisements on the interest of the Hispanic communit y. According to the revenue seen by companies who advertise in Hispanic magazines, none of them are soft drink companies (Print Advertising, 2006). Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc should take this advantage to be number one in the Hispanic US market and devise advertisements that could be used in Spanish magazines. Squirt brand soft drinks has the ability to make Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc a leader amongst its competition. With some broadening of the advertising scope, and reviewing of the previous ads, they can revitalize their corporate position and go where the other citrus blends have not yet gone. Research Papers on Squirt Brand Case AnalysisHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductDefinition of Export QuotasTwilight of the UAWRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesPETSTEL analysis of India

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Effectiveness of Employee Stock Ownership Plans Essay

The Effectiveness of Employee Stock Ownership Plans - Essay Example Employees do not have to pay taxes on the contributions when they work in a company. Only when they leave their job, they have to make all payments. It means that employees have a strong motivation to increase their productivity and generate higher revenues for the company in general not only because it increases their personal wage but also because they are the co-owners of the company. Thus, the effect on employees’ motivation is highly positive. Another important aspect is that employees are interested in the successful implementation of job functions of their colleagues while in the absence of this plan, they are primarily neutral. If other employees work more efficiently, it will lead to a higher gross output, and the market value of the company will increase. Consequently, the given employee may receive higher revenues even if his/her personal productivity has not increased. Thus, it may be expected that the corporate culture within such organizations will be better than in other companies. ESOP encourages the development of non-material assets in the company. However, ESOP also has some disadvantages for employees. I particular, it concentrates all employees’ shares in one company. It leads to over-concentration of risks that is generally considered as being highly negative. Therefore, employees tend to become too dependent over the dynamics of market prices of the company. In some situations, this dynamics does not correspond to their productivity. For example, during economic recessions, stock prices usually fall dramatically that may decrease the revenues of employees even if their productivity keeps rising. Another problematic aspect is that ESOP does not always result in a higher productivity of employees. It means that motivation alone is not sufficient for higher output and better overall economic results. Moreover, some employees may hope to receive a higher remuneration in an

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Evaluation analysing. developing management capability Essay

Evaluation analysing. developing management capability - Essay Example (Leech, 2004). The overall structure of the argument is really vague and presenter has not clearly formulated a better version of this extract. Generally, this extract indicates the use of AIDA model to get the attention of the audience by mentioning how much the market for DVDs in the educational sector is lucrative. (Yeshin, 1998). However, other elements such as preparation for presentation i.e. handling of overhead projector etc during the presentation clearly indicates that the presenter has not probably rehearsed his presentation before actually delivering this presentation. This fact also indicates the potential non-verbal behavior of the presenter as setting overhead during the presentation clearly reflects the fact that eye contact must have been lost with the audience. Further, the use of â€Å"I† is rather frequent than the use of â€Å"You† indicating a lack of rapport building and indicates more of an introvert type of personality presenting to an educated audience. This extract is also indicating a more use, of â€Å"I† rather than the â€Å"You† whereas this also seems to be an unorganized piece of presentation. Further, a business plan is always lengthy and details all the information about a potential product to be sold however, there is a clear indication of the lack of facts and information about the potential product but rather presenter is attempting to provide a completely different picture of the product by associating it with an entirely different example. Further the overall attitude of the presenter is probing in nature i.e. presenter is attempting to further probe something in order to make his case stronger i.e. develop interest however; the exact wordings clearly indicate the lack of confidence and interest of the presenter. This paragraph seems to be influencing in nature i.e. presenter is trying to sell the idea for new product by outlining the potential